
      Welcome to Peers in Patho, a website dedicated to creating resources and developing peer support networks for learning pathophysiology (‘patho’). Pathophysiology is an essential subject in health sciences and medicine and one of the most complex. One must integrate knowledge of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, microbiology, cell biology and clinical knowledge or experience to fully understand and apply patho.


      However, patho can also be one of the most engaging and exciting subjects of all those we take over the course of our education. By learning the fundamental concepts and seeing the evolution of disease, one can better intuit treatment and even begin to ask the questions that could guide new research and therapies based on these concepts. It is this joy and benefit combined with the desire to form support networks among fellow students that the Peers in Patho project was born.


      Over the past 5 years we have worked to create resources to support students as they complete the pathophysiology course required by all undergraduate nursing students. The first 3 years were dedicated to in-person tutorial development with some online quiz resources. We then published the first edition of “Pathophysiology Notes: A Comprehensive Course Guide” which compiled lecture slides and notes with added clinical experience and knowledge from former students. Now in our 5th year of the project we are launching this website to create even more access and compile our growing body of work.


      We hope that you find these resources helpful and thank-you for supporting our developing project. Happy learning!

Structure of the website Peers in Patho

The resources listed are also accessible at the top of the page, through the main navigation pane.